Data Analytics, Statistical Learning, and Engineering Statistics

Statistics and Metrology

Here are slides created for a fast-paced 8-hour introductory workshop/short course on statistics and metrology.  This material is at a BS level and can serve as a first look at the area.  More complete material on the subject can be found on this site here, in Chapter 2 of the revision-in-progress of the Vardeman and Jobe statistical quality assurance book.

Front Matter-StatMetrologyModule0

  1. Basic Concepts and Introduction to Probability Modeling of Measurement Error-StatMetrologyModule1
  2. Elementary Statistical Methods and Measurement:    Simple One-Sample Methods-StatMetrologyModule2A    Simple Two-Sample Methods-StatMetrologyModule2B
  3. Using Some Intermediate-Level Statistical Methods to Quantify the Importance of Contributing Sources of Variability in Measurements-StatMetrologyModule3
  4. The Analysis of Data from Standard Gauge R&R Studies-StatMetrologyModule4
  5. Simple Linear Regression and Calibration-StatMetrologyModule5
  6. R&R Concepts and Simple Analyses for Go/No-Go Calls on Individual Items-StatMetrologyModule6
  7. Accounting for Quantization/Digitalization Effects and “Off-Scale” Values in Measurement-StatMetrologyModule7
  8. Quantifying How Measurement Precision Affects One’s Ability to Detect Differences Between Measurands-StatMetrologyModule8

The materials on this site may be used without charge for non-commercial personal educational purposes.  Any copies made of the materials must bear printed acknowledgment of their Analytics Iowa LLC source.