Data Analytics, Statistical Learning, and Engineering Statistics

Undergraduate Engineering Probability and Statistics

The book Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis by Vardeman and Jobe, originally published by Duxbury/Thompson Learning/Cengage is now available for download under a (CC BY-NC-SA) 4.0 International license through the Iowa State University Digital Press.  It can be found at:

and has been assigned the DOI

This book is essentially a revision/second edition of Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving by Vardeman that won the American Society for Engineering Education 1994 Meriam/Wiley Distinguished Author award (given biennially for “an outstanding new engineering text”).

The book has answers for end-of-section exercises.  All datasets in the book are on the web page in digital form.  Chapter formula sheets are on the web page.  The text’s solutions manual for the end-of-chapter exercises is currently being processed for posting and will appear in due course.  And there are plans underway to produce and post a supplement giving R code and output for the book’s examples.

Professor Jobe and I offer this book with the hope that it proves useful to many instructors and engineering students for years to come.